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One Year in India already! A personal summary through the adventure year 2019.


Dear friends!


It has been December the 9th 2018 I arrived in India. Since this date I've visitited 19 of indian states, including over 100 night over destinations and over 200 cities and villages and I rode 22 thousand kilometers by motorbike. All over, it is quite more then I have expected to be done. 


My plan before the journey was to stay for a whole year in India, and do street photography, to offer photography courses there and to work actively on marketing of my art work. India changed all my plans as usual. I didn't spend much attention on marketing, all my focus was dedicated to street photography and I spontanously extended my trip by 1 year to continue to enrich my portfolio and hopefully to get some marketing work done now. All details to my travels in India in my blog called: Deep India Story.


Wojtek Stark

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